Poem: Back Forth

 (Originally August 2022)

Back Forth

The pain. The angst. The hurt. The past. 

Back forth back forth back forth.

The cycle continues, and shall continue Ad Infinitum;

Until I feel my hurt that I don’t want.

I don’t want to feel, I don’t want to heal.

Heal? Pah? Let me sit and stagnate here.

Please....But give me what I want, too, while I wait...

Wait wait wait. I didn’t mean what I said.

I said I know in my heart I must push on.

On and on; As I accept the lessons you offer me,

With increasing humility I hope,

I pray I keep asking for help

And you keep giving giving me lessons today that are even stronger

Stronger and I shy away Almost

Almost got me there

There where I will find the strength to face the truth.

Truth of this world. The truth of my past.

Past maybe the truth of life.

Life will find the love in it all someday and get to know them personally.

Personally I think this is wonderful.

Wonderful is my heart with each new release.

Release my shackles on my soul

Soul my love.



Dan Morrell x
