Word: Secrets of the Universe

 24 July 2023

Secrets of the Universe

Faith   That more is possible than what we see here in this earthly life. 

            That it’s not supposed to be this way. 

            To experiment, open our hearts to new things. 

            To seek-out:

Truth   Creates a framework for all that is.

            Is like a framework for all that is.

            Is like the start and endpoints for every silhouette of all that is.

            Is powerful when combined with:

Action In confronting fears.

            Seek out desires and dare to explore what you’ve discovered,

            What you’ve learned thus far.

            Just one small step can pull down a wall; creating a portal for:

Love   To enter our soul, warm gentle light filling cracks,

            Incrementally as we can handle it. It is life giving.

            Most important of all the secrets is it tangible, like gravity, pulling you:

Home  Towards your maker, in a beautiful dance, everlasting joy,

            Where there is only growth and humour and light

            And as many discoveries as we could ever discover,

                                       With Our Father!

With Love,

Dan Morrell x

